Grass Fed Beef
From the time an animal is born to the time it reaches your dinner table we take great care to consider the wellbeing of that animal and the environment in which it’s raised. Calves are born on pasture in late spring/early summer and cows are grazed using planned grazing and moved daily to fresh pasture throughout the grazing season
A little bit about us.
Our Mission
Through the use of ecologically sound grazing and livestock management practices we are committed to producing the highest quality pasture raised and grass fed meats in Manitoba. We strive to sustain a viable family farm operation with respect for the animals, the land we steward and our community. We aim to work with nature to produce and deliver food that is good for the community and for you and your family.
Our Guarantee
What's in a name?
The name Luna Field Farm is inspired by our Livestock Guardian Dog Luna, who faithfully guarded our flock of sheep for many years. She is our true shepherd. Fall 2024 Luna is nearly 13 years old and has taken up living with the cattle.
A little bit about Lydia
The story on Wian
As long as I can remember I have wanted to farm. I always loved grazing livestock like sheep and cattle. I began farming in 2005 after moving to Canada from Pretoria, South Africa. From the age of 18 I studied during the winter months and worked on farms while farming on rented land during the summer. Initially I focused on pastured poultry but dreamed of one day ranching full time on a mixed-livestock farm. For the last decade Lydia and I have been farming in Western Manitoba where we raise cattle, hogs and hens.
I am interested in animal nutrition and how that plays into regenerative & ecologically sound grazing and livestock management practices. I am interested in how habitat conservation fits into perennial agricultural systems. I love what I do.
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